Can sustainable clothing ever become affordable?

I have been thinking a lot lately and here is my conclusion. I think the idea of sustainability being affordable is something we are not yet to experience at least at this time and day apart from paying people fair wages, but when it comes to buying of sustainable fabrics like organic cotton 100% cotton, recycled polyester , even bamboo they still cost so much because they are considered sustainable.
While polyester is super cheap can be gotten for like two or one dollar or cents in the market so what’s your own opinion? can sustainability ever be affordable? is sustainability something the world will ever get to understand ? Or do you think the small businesses who are identified as sustainable are just fighting in vain? because truth be told the bigger brands Who still use none sustainable fabric and toxic fabrics and don’t pay workers well, unfortunately are the ones still succeeding in this business, and not the small business owners who are trying there possible best to make this work.
As a small business who has seen a lot of of my colleagues close, and these are people who are really trying the possible best to make a change in the industry, but unfortunately, can’t continue doing this not because they don’t want to, but just because , one they can’t afford it because as a small business owner, and they are risking their health living every day there business is open every day because of the mental stress it takes on them .
I would really love to know your own opinion as a client what do you think is susabilitity is something the world will ever gets to Accept or do you think those are still in the race just chasing the ghost just let me know the comment section I would really really love to know what you are think.
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